Welcome to the FCA blog

Welcome to the Fresh Coast blog, where each post is dedicated to reentry and recovery resources! Through this blog, we will build a tool kit for our readers. 

Who are our readers? It’s anyone interested in reentry and recovery. We would love for individuals navigating the challenging path of reentry after incarceration and those seeking recovery from substance use disorders to find valuable information, support, and practical tips here. But we will also create space for friends, family, allies, and churches to learn, gather resources, and create a deeper understanding of reentry and recovery journeys. 

Why a blog? Weekly we receive messages from individuals with questions and in need of information. In time this blog will build a tool kit that will answer so many of the typical questions, and as we build we will add timely content to address the needs of our community. We hope our posts point you in the right direction while answering the hard questions. 

What Topics? We will cover a variety of topics, relapse prevention tips, reducing stigma in the church, how to find employment, and TikTok accounts to follow. Some of our posts will be serious while other posts will be fun. Our team will cover complex themes like overdose- and while doing so our goal is to point out resources and partners that know more than we do. Other posts will be pure fun, like sober summer activities where we list outdoor and often free local events to experience. 

Launching this reentry and recovery resource blog is a testament to our belief in the power of resilience, redemption, and personal growth. We are committed to providing a platform where individuals can find guidance, encouragement, and practical resources as they navigate the unique aspects of the reentry and recovery journey. Whether you are an individual seeking support, a family member, or a professional working in the field, we invite you to join us on this empowering and healing journey. Together, we can make a positive impact, inspire change, and promote the idea that every person deserves a chance to thrive and find a new path forward.

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Should I stop smoking weed?