How can my church break the stigma around addiction?

We hear it all the time, “I will go to church once I get my life together.” When looking in from the outside, it can seem that churchgoers' lives are neat and tidy. The stained glass can color the truth. The truth is that the sanctuary is full of messy people who have pasts, pain, and issues- but they are finding solace, strength, and redemption through Jesus. For those beginning their recovery journey the church can be scary, here are 6 ways your church can break the stigma around addiction:

Educate church members about addiction: Many people have misconceptions or misunderstandings about addiction, and churches can help educate their members about the realities of addiction and the importance of compassion and understanding. 

Offer support groups or recovery meetings: Many churches have support groups or recovery meetings that provide a safe and supportive environment for people in recovery to connect with others and work on their recovery goals. These groups can help break the stigma around addiction by providing a visible, positive representation of recovery.

Create a welcoming and inclusive environment: It's important for churches to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for people in recovery, and to offer support and understanding rather than judgment or stigma. One way a church can do this is by having a guest speaker who is in recovery. If you are in West Michigan, Frest Coast Alliance can help connect you to a great speaker. 

Encourage open and honest communication: Encourage church members to be open and honest about their experiences with addiction, and to share their stories of recovery, restoration, and hope. This can help break down barriers and reduce the stigma around addiction.

Partner with local organizations: Partner with local organizations that work on addiction and recovery issues to help raise awareness and promote understanding. You can highlight local partners during Overdose Awareness Day (August 31) or during National Recovery Month (September).

Offer resources and support: Provide resources and support for people in recovery, such as information about substance abuse treatment and recovery programs, to help them on their journey to freedom.

It's important for churches to be understanding and non-judgmental, and to provide a safe and supportive environment for people in recovery. Breaking the stigma around addiction can help create a more compassionate and understanding community.

To read more about reducing stigma in your church, check out this article

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